Wednesday 12 May 2010


What could more perfect than a pudding that looks beyond sophisticated, but only uses three ingredients and very little chained-to-a-hot-stove time? I made this tart tatin, to follow some slow-baked lamb (which tasted yum, but used up most of my culinary enthusiasm). This is brilliant for a dinner party because it has that classic French bistro thing going on and let’s face it, who doesn’t like apple tart? Serve it with good vanilla ice cream if you’re that way inclined, or if you’re feeling particularly decadent, clotted cream. Mmmmm.
It’s really that simple tart tatin:

One packet of ready rolled puff pastry
Two Granny Smith apples
200 grams of caster sugar

Sprinkle the caster onto a baking sheet, then pop into the oven at gas mark 6 for five minutes or until it’s melted into a golden brown liquid.

Remove from the oven and leave to cool and harden, then it chuck into a food processor and whiz until it becomes a superfine powder.

While you’re waiting for your sugar to cool you can roll out your pastry and cut out a circle, approx eight inches in diameter, then pop this into the freezer for ten minutes to chill.

Slice your apples thinly and layer them in concentric circles on your chilled pastry. Sprinkle the top with your superfine caramel sugar.

Bake in the oven at gas mark 7 for 25 minutes or until the pastry has rise and turned a golden brown and the sugar has formed a rich sticky glaze.

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